21 de mayo de 2012

Find what you are looking for with grep + find + xargs

Sometimes (very often) you are looking for this particular word of string that you think is in one file of a given project... but you don't know which file, and the project has a zillion files. And you feel like crying.

Well, don't, that's what this post is for :)

Let's go for the command:

$ find -iname | xargs grep -in

[1] a folder name: for instance, to look from the current folder, use ".".
[2] for instance, for files ending in .py, use this: "*.py"
[3] a string to look for. Case insensitively.

Example: Let's look for the string "hello", case insensitively, between the files of the current folder and its subfolders, inside files with filename ending in .py:

$ find . -iname '*.py' | xargs grep -in 'hello'

The output will say the file(s) and line numbers in those files where 'hello' was found.

17 de mayo de 2012

VOX USB-MIDI Driver for Mac OS X

After digging around the web for a while, searching for the VOX USB-MIDI Driver for Mac OS X for the VOX ToneLab EX, I found it on the VOX Japanese site.

Here's the link: http://voxamps.jp/support/download/usb-midi/mac.html

Direct download link: link.

12 de mayo de 2012

Some date handling util functions I coded for Python/Django.

Some date handling util functions I coded for Python/Django.
import calendar
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
def _create_datetime_object(year, month):
# year, month, day, hour, minute, second
return datetime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0)
def _get_months_days(year):
""" Returns a list of the number of days for each month of the
given year. It takes into consideration leap years."""
return [0] + [calendar.monthrange(y, m)[1] \
for y in [year] \
for m in range(1, 13)]
def _handle_one_month(from_day, until_day, month, year):
""" Return the days in the range (from_day, until_day) for the given
month of the given year. """
months_days = _get_months_days(year)
if until_day == -1: # trick to ask for the days until the
# end of the month
until_day = months_days[month]
return range(1, until_day + 1)
def _handle_one_year(from_month, until_month):
""" Return a list of the months between from_month and until_month"""
return [month for month in range(from_month, until_month + 1)]
def _get_filter_dates(from_year, until_year, from_month, until_month):
""" Get a SortedDict of the shape {<year>: <list of months>} to
filter orders with. """
filter_dates = SortedDict()
if from_year == until_year: # We are handling months of a single year:
year = from_year
filter_dates[year] = _handle_one_year(from_month, until_month)
else: # We are handling months from more than one year.
# The months for the initial year
filter_dates[from_year] = _handle_one_year(from_month, 12)
if until_year - from_year > 1:
# there are years between from_year and until_year
for year in range(from_year + 1, until_year):
filter_dates[year] = _handle_one_year(1, 12)
# The months for the last year
filter_dates[until_year] = _handle_one_year(1, until_month)
return filter_dates
def _safe_get_sum(values_sum):
""" This little function handles safely the mixed addition of integers and
decimals, and returns their integer representation. """
if isinstance(values_sum, int):
return values_sum
elif isinstance(values_sum, Decimal):
return int(values_sum.to_integral_exact().to_eng_string())
return '0'
def _get_weekday(year, month, day):
""" Return the string name of the weekday the given day is. """
cal = calendar.Calendar()
aux = cal.monthdays2calendar(year, month)
# un-nest the tuple list:
aux = [item for sublist in aux for item in sublist]
day_number = [t[1] for t in aux if t[0] == day][0]
day_name = calendar.day_name[day_number]
return day_name

11 de mayo de 2012

Logo UNC vectorizado

Escribiendo nuestro trabajo final de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación de FaMAF con Joaco (http://focojoaco.blogspot.com.ar/) nos dimos con que necesitábamos un logo de la UNC para la carátula de la tesis.

Fue bastante complicado encontrarlo, así que lo comparto: link.
